
A Short Python Algorithm

This is an interesting algorithm I developed recently as part of a research project. It turned out to not be quite what I needed but perhaps it will be useful to others in the future.

Given a function \(\Phi(x,n) = \left|\phi(x+n)-\phi(x)-\phi(n)\right| \), the algorithm below will find \( \phi(x) \) using \( \Phi(x,1) \) and \( \Phi(x,2) \), \( \phi(1) \) and \( \phi(2) \) and \( \phi(3) \), and the anti-symmetry of \( \phi(x) \) (which also gives us \( \phi(0) = 0 \)). This can be extended so that the algorithm uses \( \Phi(x,n) \) for more values of \( n \) to prevent mistakes in the choice of path for certain critical forms of \( \phi(x) \) but those cases seldomly appear.

I was not able to figure out a method to reconstruct \( \phi(x) \) without knowing the first three non-trivial values; the anti-symmetry defeats you in this case, I think. Probably these values can be constrained and a decent enough optimization made of the entire function, but this is not ideal.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def find_nearest(array, value):
    array = np.asarray(array)
    idx = (np.abs(array - value)).argmin()
    return array[idx]

def PhiSolve(size = 10):
    tmp = np.random.random(size=size)*20 - 10
    phi = np.concatenate((-tmp, [0], np.flip(tmp))).astype(int)

    PHI_1  = np.abs(np.roll(phi, -1) - phi - phi[len(phi)//2+1])
    PHI_2 = np.abs(np.roll(phi, -2) - phi - phi[len(phi)//2+2])

    # Algorithm
    solved = np.zeros_like(phi)
    # Even if we don't know phi(2) and phi(3), calculating for those will give two options each for a total of four possible branches
    # Still need to know phi(0) (trivial) and phi(1) to get the four choices. There are an infinite number of naive choices for phi(1), however...
    solved[len(phi)//2+1] = phi[len(phi)//2+1]
    solved[len(phi)//2+2] = phi[len(phi)//2+2]
    solved[len(phi)//2+3] = phi[len(phi)//2+3]

    for n in range(len(solved)//2+3,len(solved)-1,1):
        x1 = PHI_1[n] + solved[n] + solved[len(solved)//2+1]
        x2 = -PHI_1[n] + solved[n] + solved[len(solved)//2+1]

        x3 = PHI_2[n-1] + solved[n-1] + solved[len(solved)//2+2]
        x4 = -PHI_2[n-1] + solved[n-1] + solved[len(solved)//2+2]

        sorted = np.sort([x1,x2,x3,x4])
        diff = np.abs([sorted[0]-sorted[1], sorted[1]-sorted[2],sorted[2]-sorted[3]])
        idx = np.argmin(diff)
        solved[n+1] = np.mean([sorted[idx],sorted[idx+1]])
    solved[:len(solved)//2] = np.flip(-solved[len(solved)//2+1:])

    plt.plot(np.linspace(-size,size,len(phi)), solved)
    plt.plot(np.linspace(-size, size, len(phi)), phi, 'o--')


if __name__ == '__main__':