You can download the .jar file here. Please attribute my code if you use it in your own work. Below is a screenshot of the interface.
A Java Calculator for Oxide Growth
I created this Java applet while employed as a high school intern at Rogue Valley Microdevices (RVM). I was a lab tech in the foundry and we used a calculator on RVM's website to calculate our run times for the oxide furnaces. This proved problematic one week when, for some reason, the Internet connection in the lab kept cutting out (plus, the website was just slow sometimes). I created this applet so we would not have to rely on a good Internet connection and it was used for a few years at RVM (last time I asked about this was around a year ago, I think). This program also proved useful later in a class at MIT where we were given the pointless task of calculating oxide growth times by hand in a problem set. It was also the first time I had created something that was useful in "the real world".
You can download the .jar file here. Please attribute my code if you use it in your own work. Below is a screenshot of the interface.
I owe a lot to RVM and the skills they taught me. The knowledge I acquired there helped me get my first research internship at MIT in Karen Gleason's group working on organic CVD and polymeric conductors.
You can download the .jar file here. Please attribute my code if you use it in your own work. Below is a screenshot of the interface.